Catch a Connection

Catch a Connection

Fun Activity Helps Youth Engage with One Another

The first weeks of school are filled with so many questions… 

Will I make friends? 

Will my old friends still be my friends? 

Will I like my teachers? 

Will my teachers like me? 

Will I find my people? 

These are all valid, tough questions and sit atop other questions like… 

What is the homework assignment? 

Am I in the right classroom? 

Do I have the right calculator? 

All this uncertainty can become very overwhelming and isolating. 

This time of year, it is crucial to take the time for students to relax and genuinely connect. 

Connections to peers and trusted adults are critical to student success both inside and outside the classroom. It helps students build resilience, confidence, and belonging, which empowers them to navigate positive pathways. 

As part of Know Your Classmates® Day, our National Teen Board created Connection Catchers, student-made “fortune tellers” that open the door to deep and meaningful connections. Connection Catchers are an easy, quick activity to get students to learn about one another and find common ground. The accompanying lesson plan is clear and has all the Universal Design Learning and Diversity Equity and Inclusion tested elements baked in. This activity reflects a rich, varied spectrum of experiences ready to support the inclusion and acceptance of all students. 

So, instead of grappling with the tough questions that may overwhelm students, they get to engage others with positive, thought-provoking questions like… 

What song brings back a great memory?

What food should everyone try at least once? 

What is something you learned in an unusual way? 

What is your favorite word in another language? 

What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given? 

These questions have been getting students up and talking. As they move around the classroom with their catchers, they are given quick opportunities to connect with students they may not know. Adding teachers to the mix allows students to feel safe and connected to the adults in their lives. 

As the catchers do their magic, they answer more than the questions they present.  At the end of the activity, students learn about different cultures and family traditions, make new friends, renew old friendships, learn more about their teachers, and walk away with many new opportunities to make further connections.   

The National Teen Board loves how their activity has bonded students and given them ways to be their authentic selves and to make genuine connections. They hope all students jump in and catch a connection. 

To sign up for this free program that includes Know Your Classmates lessons and Connection Catchers, click here.

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The mission of Beyond Differences® is to inspire students nationwide to end social isolation and create cultures of belonging for everyone. We envision a world where all youth are accepted, valued, and included and all of our differences are celebrated. Beyond Differences® offers FREE SEL curriculum, lesson plans, supplies, and professional development training to middle school educators all across the nation.
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