No One Eats Alone® Day

About National No One Eats Alone® Day!
Bring No One Eats Alone® Day Resources to your students!
Today, more than ever our students are facing social isolation. Compounded by shelter-in-place and lack of regular interaction at school, students are feeling alone and disconnected. Research studies show that social isolation among adolescents is rampant and contributes to adverse medical, emotional and academic outcomes.Even though many schools will not be back in the classroom with traditional schedules, it is critical to provide tools to help students engage with one another — even if it has to be online.
For the last 10 years, Beyond Differences has been training student leaders to embrace differences and change the culture in their schools to be more welcoming for everyone. We have been providing backpacks filled with materials and original curriculum to help teachers work with their students to create connection and acceptance that ultimately builds strong communities. Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve been swift to pivot and modify our materials and programs. For No One Eats Alone® 2021, we have altered the curriculum so teachers can use the materials and interactive exercises in the classroom or via zoom and other online platforms.
Sign up today and get instant access to Transformative Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum!
No One Eats Alone Day teaches students how to make friends and create a culture of belonging.It’s no surprise that this is our most popular program; it includes a variety of games, ice breakers and ideas to plan a celebration of connection and friendship at school. Currently, millions of students in more than 2,500 schools in all 50 states participate in No One Eats Alone Day each year.
Will you join us?
Reserve the 2022 National No One Eats Alone Day resources now by filling out this form!
In January, you will receive the All New Curriculum and Resources focused on ending Social Isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic! You will also be sent a special invitation along with instructions on how we will ALL celebrate National No One Eats Alone Day together this year across the nation!
No One Eats Alone is a Positive Prevention Initiative that aims to create a culture of belonging where all students feel accepted, respected and valued. Our curriculum is aligned with Common Core ELA standards and CASEL competencies.
Beyond Differences is carrying a simple message to cities across this nation: We believe that a new day is dawning. A new day in which all kids feel included, valued and accepted by their peers. At Beyond Differences we are dedicated to helping teens and schools make social inclusion the new reality.
Beyond Differences was founded by the parents of Lili Rachel Smith who was born with a cranial facial syndrome and was socially isolated during her middle school years. Because of her facial differences and increasing lack of social skills needed to keep up with her peers, Lili was socially isolated during her middle school years. After Lili died unexpectedly at the age of 15 from medical complications, a few local teens came together determined to honor Lili’s life. They chose something never-before discussed: social isolation in middle school. They courageously and tenaciously stood up – one school and one opportunity at a time – and led assembly programs, shared personal stories, facilitated small group discussions, spoke at professional conferences and interviewed with the media.
That small group has now grown into a National Teen Board. These teens are bringing a new awareness to their schools and communities – often starting with National No One Eats Alone Day. These students are making inclusion the new cool in school!
There are two important things to know about having a No One Eats Alone Day at your school:
The students are in charge. We have found that when you empower students to make these changes, they do so enthusiastically and, most importantly, the changes stick.
Make it local. Each school has its own traditions and its own charm. Let this show through.
We encourage you to launch No One Eats Alone in your school – and we’ll help by providing lots of resources such as lesson plans, and activities! Just let us know you’re interested by filling out this form and we’ll be in touch right away. We also welcome your questions and feedback.
Thank you,
Beyond Differences Team
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